Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Blue-ing of America

Here is an "Election 2006" map produced by It shows the 2006 election landscape with each county colored for the party which got the majority of the votes in that county.
To me this map is tremendously good news. Not only is it fairly evident from the map that masses of pro-democrats exist beyond just the coasts but whats more important to me is what might not be clear from just this map. Many republican voting counties, so called "Republican Locks" blued in this election... maybe indicating people are actually catching on. Maybe they want a better life and they want a government who is working for them not a govenment out for those in it.
Specifically, (for you geeks) huge portions of Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Arizona, New Hampshire and Vermont went Democrat, a huge step. Even southern Texas, Western New York state and Mid-peninsula Florida saw groups of counties switching together.

What this tells me is that maybe some of it is getting through. Hopefully, people are seeing that the country is going the wrong way and I'm talking about the wrong way on issues starting but not ending with our Iraq Policy. Big elections can display waves of change, but only because they only happen every several years, what I'm hoping we're seeing is the slow change of our country for the better. To a place more concerned, more interested and more true to the values written by our founding fathers.


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